Armed with gumboots and a fascination for hidden treasures,

water beetles, snails, tadpoles,worms, larva and salamanders

have helped me to realize that an exciting world exists just below the waterline.

I have to keep looking. How did the snail get such a beautiful shell?

And I read: Scientists have found all kinds of spiral patterns in the microscopic world.

On another scale this patterns can develop into tornados, whirlpools.

You can find spiral forms beyond the earth

Spiral movements transform chaos into order and order back into chaos.

I don't quite understand this snailshell.

Becouse I can't quite grasp it , I have to look at it again and again and again.


The installation 'Zoom' made in 2009 was part of the 'BK Kweek' exhibition:

consisting of an artificial garden at Pakhuis Wilhelmina in Amsterdam,

created in cooperation with installation-artist Koos van der Elsen.

'Zoom' was also shown in the window-gallery of the Franjo Studio in Amsterdam.


